Sunday, 24 May 2009

Oaten Hay!

On Saturday I dropped by Boing Online's "Headquarters" and purchased a large 5kg bag of fresh cut oaten hay for $12.

At first Rex wouldn't eat it, but after several minutes of sniffing and poking with his nose, he finally started to eat. Now he loves it! ^^

For such a small rabbit like Rex, the bag of hay is going to last for a few months.

Great value I'd say! =D

Monday, 11 May 2009

An awesome find!

Don't you just love it when you find something great on the web?
Today I was just goggling when I discovered some amazing Kingdom Hearts II desktop wallpapers. I have been searching for them for a while now, and these suit my laptop almost perfectly.
My laptop has a wide screen, so most wallpapers I usually stumble across are not quite wide enough. The ones below are 1280 x 1024.

Below are just a few of the wallpapers if you are interested to take a look. =P

Sora in Valor/Brave Form

Sora in Wisdom Form

Sora in Master Form

Sora in Final Form

Sora, Donald and Goofy

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Afternoon snack

When I cam home from uni today, Rex was, as usual, pretty hungry. =P
He enjoyed a large piece of choy sum for tea.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

A change for the worse

NOOOO! We now have a different physics prac demonstrator!

His name is Ahmed, and to be honest, most people don't really like him. He talks a lot at the start, and then won't let us have the full three hours to complete the workshop exercises and the experiment. He is also quite harsh.

We all miss our previous demonstrator, her name is Chiara. She was really nice to us, and much more easygoing. She is now in charge of another prac group.

Ugh.. We have Ahmed for another 3 pracs. =__=